Watch Intro Video


Here is what we are going to learn.

One Big Goal

To lead you down the path of learning

Here you will quickly learn Fusion 360 by making real parts for a real 3D printer you can build! Having formally learned CADD in college back in 07, I can testify to the fact that I learned much faster when pursuing my own projects rather than trudging through lectures for some random part I was not passionate about. To that end, I endeavored to create a class about my custom large format delta 3d printer that serves as a consistent goal and puts all of the lessons into context. It's a way to learn the CADD tool while gaining the experience of designing something real that can also be used to build more projects.

What is this class?

If you are pursuing engineering it's critical to gain experience designing and building real things. The basic idea of this class is for you to gain the experience and knowledge of designing a real product in CAD using the tool Fusion 360. The product you design is my large format 3d printer and the result of the class is a BOM. By the end, you will have learned how to efficiently use Fusion 360 and produce a digital or physical work you can use and show. You can build this printer to your own specifications.

Gain Experience

Practice Producing

Throughout my career, I have encountered several engineering interns who while very knowledgeable, had very little real design experience. When I gave them a design task, they struggled to organize their knowledge and produce a quality product. In contrast, those who had a history of making things, rarely struggle to produce quality results. It's always obvious to me who I would rather hire and work with. If your perusing a job offer, come prepared. Engineer or not, by gaining experience you improve your ability to deploy your knowledge in a meaningful way.

Layers of Learning

5 levels to conquer, one mission to complete.

  • Set a clear goal for yourself. Complete this class in 5 days, or 5 weeks.

  • This is a big project, and there are many things to learn in Fusion 360. With a bit of practice and guidance, what's difficult the first time will become easy from thereon. By the end of this class, you will have learned many skills needed to turn your ideas into reality via CAD.

  • We will cover foundational knowledge such as the understanding of the work environment, sketches, features, and design intent.

  • Through many layers of part modeling, I will build you up to the point of being able to tackle the complex parametric parts within the assembly context.

  • Also, We will explore several different workflows that tackle assemblies both small and large.

  • After we get everything together we will make the all-important bill of material needed to turn a plan into action.

  • Finally, we will wrap up the class with a look back at what we have learned and solidify your knowledge into actionable workflows with a decision tree.

$ Pay What You Want

Thank you for your generous donations.

  • Use code "10" for 10% off

  • Use code "75" for 70% off

  • *1% to 99% off available*

Course curriculum

10+ hours of training. About 2 hours per level.

B-Delta 400 Flat BOM

Based on the dimensions used in the class. The physical parts are not included with purchase of CAD training class.

Estimated minimum cost of materials is $640 + shipping / tax. Expect to pay more in the range of $750. Larger units cost about +$100 more. Other options like duel extruders are additional. My goal here was to have the class + printer cost less then $1000.

Bonus material

Included additional content:

  • CAD Files

    Included with this lesson is the native Fusion 360 CAD files used in this class.

  • Step Slides

    Digital flipbook showing each step of the process.



Michael Smith

Michael works as a Mechanical Design Engineer developing heavy industrial automation equipment for 10+ years. He is also a Content Creator with YouTube. His goal is to inspire creative problem-solving found in modern technical video games and seeks to turn that inspiration into real-world knowledge and application. In 2020 he founded Watch It Print as a place to make that happen.